Dr. Thomas Hooper - Veterinarian


Dr. Thomas Hooper graduated from Texas A&M University-College of Veterinary Medicine in May of 1986. He has had a varied career. He has experience in Equine Reproduction, Cow/Calf Operation, and Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery. From Associate to Ownership to Relief Surgeon to Consultant he is about as seasoned as they come.

He comes to Taylor Veterinary Hospital in a part time role. While he considers himself semi- retired, he claims he will never completely call it quits. He still enjoys veterinary medicine and especially enjoys interacting with the people.

He and his wife Sarah live in College Station where she works for the University. They are both big supporters of Texas A&M in both academics and athletics. When time permits, they can usually be found at some sporting event or another.

Come by and meet Dr. Hooper. He has never met a stranger but be forewarned, he will probably talk your ear off.

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